The Clean and Green



Here at Marigolds Custom Cleaning we exclusively use Norwex Microfiber and cleaning products. We feel that Norwex provides the best clean for our home and yours! Norwex microfiber removes all contaminates from surfaces leaving behind no residuals. Cotton rags and paper towels spread dirt and dust across surfaces. Cleaning with chemicals may help break down the dirt/grime but leave chemicals mixed with dirt on surfaces. These chemicals negatively impact the health of your family and our environment.






According to environmental experts, the average household contains 62 toxic chemicals. From PHTHALATES + SYTHENTIC FRAGRANCES that are known endocrine disruptors (found in air fresheners, dish soap and even toilet paper). To 2-BUTOXYETHANOL that can contribute to narcosis, pulmonary edema, and liver and kidney damage (found in window, kitchen and multipurpose cleaners). And then there’s CHLORINE + AMMONIA that can cause acute and chronic respiratory issues, create a poisonous gas when mixed together and disrupt thyroid function (chlorine is found in scouring powders, toilet bowl cleaners + mildew removers, while ammonia is found in polishing agents for bathroom and kitchen features and glass cleaners).

Learn more about Squeak here, and be sure to shop the incredible Squeak product line!